Anonymous mobile connection with a change of voice and number (CallerId)!
You can call absolutely from any number, friend’s, wife’s or +77777777777
Calls around the world from 3 cent per minute
Free and unlimited number and voice substitution, complete anonymity
Works on all platforms and phones (Windows, Linux, Android, Iphone, Nokia, etc.)
Works through the app or our sim card
Prices: Setup, install, connect, just 100 $
We will give you test calls from any number to any number.
Contacts: e-mail -
Viber - +7 988 320 89 22
WhatsApp - +7 988 320 89 22
Telegram - @Vip_Security
Icq - 723882584
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Dátum: 25.02.2018
Titulok: Mobile connection with a change of voice & number
Dátum: 04.02.2018
Titulok: Help Help
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